
sabato 21 novembre 2015

Bottegai di li putieddri di Racarmutu

Gentilissimo signor Ronald Puma. mi scusi se l'assillo con queste mie risposte. Il suo caso m'interessa per le mie ricerche sulla storia di Racalmuto. Mi pare un caso paradigmatico. Dunque, colgo una difformità; nell'atto civile che Lei qui ha pubblicato, sua nonna viene chiamata GRILLO MARIA CONCETTA, mentre nell'atto di battesimo della Matrice figura come CARMELA (e che si tratti dello stesso evento della nascita di suo nonno Salvatore Puma, non vi è ombra di dubbio).

E qui cominciano le mie perplessità: non trovo  l'atto di battesimo di suo bisnonno Giovanni alla Matrice. Tra gli atti di matrimonio della Matrice di Racalmuto non rinvengo neppure alcun atto di matrimonio di codesto suo ceppo dei Puma.

Una conclusione la traggo con sufficiente sicurezza: tra questo ceppo e quello dei Puma Pagliarello dell'arciprete Puma o del tenore Puma non vi sarebbe nessun vincolo di parentela.

Se ben leggo nell'atto civile di nascita di suo nonno, questi sarebbe figlio di Giovani Puma di anni quarantadue bottegaio abitante al Corso di Racalmuto senza numero.

Se Giovanni Puma faceva il bottegaio a Racalmuto nel 1896 (e se nato nel 1854), in Matrice non trovo nulla. Quanto allo Stato Civile si sa che tutto fu bruciato nl 1862 (o così si è fatto sempre credere per ragioni di renitenza alla chiamata alle armi del neo stato sabaudo dopo la cacciata dei benemeriti Borboni a Racalmuto. In Tribunale (ora all'Archivio di Stato di Agrigento) vi sarebbero comunque le copie degli atti civili. Se si dovessero consultare forse emergerebbe che codesti Puma non sono racalmutesi e che solo Salvatore Puma vi immigrò nel ventennio finale dell'Ottocento, quando questo paese del sale e dello zolfo fumigava per l'intesa attività estrattiva dello zolfo.

Quel che mi pare certo è che suo nonno, Salvatore Puma, non originario racalmutese mise su bottega (putia) in quel caratteristico agglomerato commerciale detto di li bottighelli  (nello stato civile denominato CORSO ed ora Corso Garibaldi) che si estendeva sull'attuale piazzetta, quella con fontana ostica a taluni colti racalmutesi. Là vi era lu CURDARU (non vi è mai stato impiccato nessuno) e persino il Fondaco che penso essere stato quello di Mennu.

Nella seconda decade del Novecento un militare a riposo nominato commissario  per debellare la cupola mafiosa che si era installata in Municipio, quelle storiche PUTIEDDRI furono abbattute per dar luce all'ingordo Gammiglieddra e farne la corte di quello che storicamente viene ancor detto il Caffè di Ernesto Di Naro.

Suo nonno credo che vi facesse CASA E PUTIA e quindi lei non può più ritrovare l'abitazione di suo nonno: distrutta per dar posto all'attale Piazzetta Crispi.

Se ha notizie e tradizioni familiari che o correggono o confermano o integrano queste mie ipotesi le sarei grato se volesse darmene ragguaglio.

Grazie comunque e scusandomi per le mie lungaggini la saluto.

Suo Calogero Taverna.
(se adopera Facebook potrebbe chiedere la mia "anicizia" al nome di Lillo Taverna. Scrivo molto nel mio blog su Google CONTRA OMNIA RACALMUTO).

Un mio libro di storia paesana s'intitola:  Racalmuto nei Millenni.

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:30:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Padre Alfonso Puma

Dr. Enzio Sardo, la ringrazio molto per prendere tempo dal vostro programma di comunicare con me. Solo poche ore fa, ti ho mandato una mail nella speranza di ottenere una copia del record di morte per Padre Puma. Sono anche allego una copia del documento di nascita di mio nonno a questa email. Quando ho visitato Racalmuto nel 2013, non sono riuscito a trovare l'indirizzo indicato sul suo record di nascita. Forse il nome della strada è cambiato. Speravo che l'edificio originale dove è nato mio nonno era ancora in vita. Mi piacerebbe avere una fotografia di esso. Con l'indirizzo corretto di oggi, posso essere in grado di trovare su Google Earth.

-----Original Message-----
From: Calogero taverna <>
To: rpu9 <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 20, 2015 2:37 pm
Subject: RE: Padre Alfonso Puma

I'm Dr. Enzo Sardo a politician has authored many books in his time also Mayor of Racalmuto and Mr Vincenzo Milioto, (the one with the beard) married to a relative of Father Burruano Puma- I do not have family photographs. The two sisters of father Puma are still alive. All three brothers (the tenor, Joseph and Carmel) are unfortunately deceduti-

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 15:13:23 -0500
Subject: Re: Padre Alfonso Puma

Calogero, thanks for the pictures you sent. I have a question about photography with the priest sitting with two men. Who are the men? The photograph was very small and hard to see clearly.
In addition to his brother Salvatore, lyric tenor, Alfonso had two sisters - Dorothy and Marianna, and two other brothers, Joseph and Carmel. I have the names of their spouses and, except for Joseph, the children they had with their spouses. You have family photos of the ones I could send along with the names of the people in the photographs?
I was very lucky to visit Racalmuto briefly (for three hours) in 2013 and met a person who has worked for Puma Father who gave me this information after I got home. My grandfather, Salvatore Puma, was born in Racalmuto 26 May 1896. I heard that his father, John Puma, married Maria Concetta cricket, ran a tavern in Racalmuto, but have never been able to confirm this.

I do not speak Italian. I hope that Google Translate is doing a good job with the translations.

Ron Puma

-----Original Message-----
From: Calogero taverna <>
To: rpu9 <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 20, 2015 1:08 pm
Subject: RE: Padre Alfonso Puma

Hybridize the healthy coloring naive father of Puma with materealismo mechanistic philosophical system of Lucretius is obscenity for both the white paint of the archpriest of Racalmuto is for arduità philosophical poet philosophers Latin. Yet it was said. And even from a painter whom the Bonanno. Desire to jest, intellectual digression, malice anticlerical? Vallo know. We limit ourselves here to highlight the painting spiritualissima father of Puma, this multi-talented friend of ours for years now basks in the kingdom of Heaven. Ave Alfonso!


Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 17:06:48 -0500
Subject: Re: Padre Alfonso Puma

Thanks a lot. You have confirmed that I am indeed related to Father Puma. If, in the future, you are willing to share family photos with the persons identified in each photo, I'd love to add them to my family tree. If you are in contact with all members of the family living and if they have an interest in communicating with me, please give them my e-mail.
Ronald Puma

-----Original Message-----
From: Calogero taverna <>
To: rpu9 <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 19, 2015 3:11 pm
Subject: RE: Padre Alfonso Puma

Racalmuto, 5 July 1995


Interviewer: Calogero Taverna.

Autobiographical notes  
Question: To break the ice, we start with some autobiographical notes. Archpriest Puma, who tells me about his life?

Answer: I was born on November 21, 1926. I was ordained a priest in 1950, saint. I was elected pastor of Carmel in 1961 and stayed until 1966. As a parish priest-dean of the Matrix, I was called on 1 December 1966, remaining there until the present.

Q .: Today we have?

A .: 5 July 1995.

Q .: At what date dating his vocation? Remember the origin?

A .: From an early age I had the desire to become a priest. Without elementary school, I entered the seminary in October 1939. My house was that, when I felt immediately at ease. I conducted a study with great joy; so I addressed the period of the war without fear, hoping to make it.

Q .: Her parents - I remember his mother sweetest; his father very kindly - as if remembers them?

R ..: I remember them not only as parents, but as friends . My mother was actually my first spiritual director. My father, a man hard, a hardened, very sparing in speech but wise, saying, "you do not care if I do or do not make sacrifices, you do not care. Remember that I will always be near you. "And besides, I like to be my brother, the tenor, we studied with this confidence that someone claimed and there was always at his side.

Archpriest Puma, my dear friend since October 10, 1945 it issued an important interview that begins as above. The father of Msgr. Puma was precisely lu zzi Caliddru, namely Puma Calogero Pagliarello married to a Palermo- They will have known and appreciated for being a regular person of this great family racalmutese who had the great tenor Salvatore Puma and Archpriest Alfonso Puma- asked if I could go and I would. But in response to the question from Mr. Donald Puma think that's enough.

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 22:45:54 -0500
Subject: Padre Alfonso Puma

Italian - using Google Translate. Please forgive any grammatical errors.

Hello. My grandfather, Salvatore Puma, was born in Racalmuto 26 May 1896. My genealogy research indicates that father Puma was my third cousin. I am aware of his brother Salvatore Puma, the lyric tenor. I have birth certificates showing that a Puma Alfonso was born November 21, 1926 to parents Pagliarello Puma Calogero and Maria Carmela Palermo. However, many people share the same name. Therefore, I can not be sure that this is really his birth certificate. I hope you can see that his parents were, or at least his date of birth. I was in touch with a family Giglia supporting mother father Alfonso Puma was a Morreale instead to Palermo. They do not have documents to verify their claim.

I'm also looking for family photos with people identified by name. I'm also looking for the relatives of the family living in Racalmuto today. I would be grateful for any assistance you can provide.


Hello. My grandfather, Salvatore Puma, was born in Racalmuto on 26 May 1896. My genealogy research indicates that Father Puma was my third cousin. I am aware of his brother Salvatore Puma, the opera tenor. I have birth records showing that an Alfonso Puma was born on 21 November 1926 to parents Calogero Pagliarello Puma and Maria Carmela Palermo. However, many people share the same name. Therefore, I cannot be sure that this is really his birth record. I am hoping that you can verify who his parents were or at least his date of birth. I've been in contact with a Giglia family who claim Father Alfonso Puma's mother was a Morreale instead of a Palermo. They have no documents to verify their claim. 

I am also looking for family photos with people identified by name. I'm also looking for the relatives of the family living in Racalmuto today. I would be grateful for any assistance you can provide. 

Ronald Puma

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