
sabato 8 ottobre 2016

L'amore il sesso il nudo l'osceno  l'angelico  il dolore la morte il sonno l'onirico l'immagine. Bolle stasera ci ha provato? forse ma ormai pingue di corpo adiposo di coscia fasciato di adipe all'inguine mi è apparso come sciocca matìrionetta insulsa simil Fracci, Calogero Taverna

Calapà Lillo Taverna‎
Calogero Taverna
30 marzo ·

Quanto mi piacerebbe portare la Masi a Racalmuto e nel salone della mia Meryclanl potercela godere, vestita da Elena cerulea, mentre ci fa risentire le Olimpiche akrakantine di Pindaro. Non ce le potrebbe recitare in greco (che delizia sarebbe); ma anche nel volgare eloquio cantalenate da una attrice coltissima e sensibilissima come la Masi, gusteremmo lo stesso sentire: "Giunse, inseguendola, fino al paese/ di là dei soffi del freddo/ Boreàs; stette. e stupiva degli alberi./ D'essi un desiderio dolce lo prese:/ piantarli alla meta de' dodici giri/ per la corsa dei cavalli. Ed ora a questa/ festa viene benigno insieme ai gemelli/ pari a dei, figli di Leda slanciata." Basta con le banalità di Montalbano almeno nelle apriche colline di Sciascia.

venerdì 7 ottobre 2016

No caro perché lo conosco a menadito: il più grande imbroglio comunitario dello Stato Italiiano e gli emigranti prendondo le briciole. Sono della provincia di Agriento e so delle Acurinto o come diavolo li chiamano diciamo della sfera familiare ed affine di 'Ngilinu di S. Angelo Muxaro o delle presidentesse che al teatro greco di Siracusa fan fare il pianto greco ad emigranti ammaestrati nella terza serata del triduo delle tragedie greche. Evia discorrendo. Che tu ignori è comprensibile. Che un giornale di Berlusconi ignori ci credo poco Che io non possa ignorare si deve al fatto che nessun uomo è grande per la sua cameriera ed io non cameriere ma per una ventina di anni sono stato, come dire, il maggiordomo di tanti gran signori del potere. E non sono cretino anche se vanto una coscienza adamantina. E credo di poterlo gridare ad alta voce, perché non mi sono mai contaminato. E se volevo potevo: bastava che cambiassi qualche frase di certi miei scottanti rapporti ispettivi. E quanto al terremoto vissi poi la parodia del terremoto delI'Irpinia. E già! pare che il terremoto dell'Aquila non l'avesse poi ben o mal gestito un uomo di Berlusconi.   Calogero Taverna  -

Alexa ci classifica

Ci dispiace per questo ritorno alla faziosità del redivivo TRS98. Torna ad omettere i piazzamenti strabilianti di almeno due dei tre blog sedenti a Racalmuto .

Perché? Per ordini superiori? per dispetti personali? per neghittosità giornalistica? Ci dispiace per Nicolò Giangreco che stimiamo tanto.

Ovviamo però noi.
Regalpetra Libera dell'ardimentoso Sergio Scimé scavalca sia Malgrado Tutto sia TRS98  e con il suo rank generale di quota 195.371va ben sopra Canicattì Web e si piazzerebbe terzo nella  speciale classifica agrigentina. Se poi consideriamo i rank Italia (che non riesce a capire perché Giangreco si ostina ad obliarli mentre sono  dati più significativi) allora Scimé li brucia tutti piazzandosi  al 5.348° posto migliore del  6.879° posto di Malgrado Tutto e dell'8.368° posto  di ArchivioePensamenti di Carbone e del non cospicuo 8.749° posto di TRS98 di Giangreco.
Io non mi lamento dato per  il mio 16.026° posto. Stiamo tutti superando la crisi estiva come meglio evidenziato nei grafici sotto riportati.
Quindi onore a Piero Carbone che con il suo raffinato e colto Archivio e Pensamenti  si piazza nei rank generali  al 77.381° posto  scavalcando Agrigento web che siede illegittimamente al sesto posto.

Quanto a noi miserelli con il nostro 631.217° posto nei rank mondiali  supereremmo SCRIVOLIBERO che sta al 16° posto degli agrigentini;  non è male per un blog come quello mio senza pretese ma che comunque ha già abbondantemente superato il milione di visitazioni. E superato l'handicap del trimestre estivo preso in considerazione nelle statistiche Alexa veleggeremo verso lidi più onorevoli. Calogero Taverna

Postato in06 ottobre 2016. Tags: alexa, classifica, siti agrigentini, traffic,, websites

Richiestissima come sempre, il nostro portale che, quest’anno festeggia i 10 anni dalla nascita ripropone la classifica dei siti agrigentini più letti in provincia di Agrigento. Dopo un mese e mezzo dall’ultima graduatoria, ecco i 51 siti dell’agrigentino a contendersi un posto importante. Come sempre , nello stilare la graduatoria abbiamo usato i dati forniti da, un sito che “misura” la popolarità dei siti web in base ai visitatori giornalieri e alle pagine sfogliate negli ultimi tre mesi. Alexa stila così, giorno dopo giorno, una classifica mondiale, il cosidetto rank.

Non ci sono stati grossi scossoni: intanto prosegue il duello in testa tra agrigentonotizie e grandangolo, una bella lotta a colpi di click per il primato sempre in bilico, nel podio entra canicattiweb al posto di agrigentoweb che perde qualche posto, bene , i due siti racalmutesi: malgradotutto e trs98, pressocchè stabili i due siti favaresi: siciliatv e siciliaonpress, brutto scivolone per sicilia24live, guadagna ancora posizioni belicenews ed entra tra i venti siti più letti la creatura di Michele Scimè agrigentosette. Guadagna qualche posto anche teletua del sempre estroso Gabriele Terranova.Insomma, come sempre chi sale e chi scende, certi che, non mancheranno le polemiche, ma non siamo noi ad inventarci la classifica sono i numeri che parlano.




TRS98 257.044 +4


SICILIATV 297.207 -2


TELEACRAS 373.068 +2


GROTTEINFO 416.384 -1

RIPOST 456.602 +2

SICILIA24H 561.940 -1

BELICENEWS 587.918 +4



LICATANET 700.626 -4

TELETUA 737.364 +1


COMUNICALO 905.550 +1





SIKELIANEWS 1283.130 -2

MAGAZE 1512.885 +6

FORZAAKRAGAS 1516.072 +2

PERLACITTA 1590.171 +2

MYBELICE 1622.930 -4



SICILIALIVE24 2276.030 -12

FAVARAWEB 2301.779 +1



AGRIGENTOTV 3428.215 =



CONTROVOCE 4622.869 +2


RADIOAZZURRA 5.908.904 -1





TRCTV 11275.502 =

ALTRANOTIZIA 13.448.205 -2

PALMAONLINE 16.166.884 +1

TVEUROPA87 21.638.116 -1

RMK ———-

SPORTLIKE24 ———- Traffic Statistics

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Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.
For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired
Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.
Not all websites implement our on-site analytics and publish the results. For these sites, we show estimated metrics based on traffic patterns across the web as a whole. We identify these patterns by looking at the activity of millions of web users throughout the world, and using data normalization to correct for any biases.
The more traffic a site gets, the more data we have to calculate estimated metrics. Estimates are more reliable the closer a site is to being ranked #1. Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ are subject to large fluctuations and should be considered rough estimates.
If a site has Certified Metrics instead of estimated, that means its owner has installed code allowing us to directly measure their traffic. These metrics have a greater level of accuracy, no matter what the ranking.
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How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of this site's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily

Global rank icon 277,391 339,060
  • -339060%

Rank in Italy Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily

Italy Flag 8,368 Traffic Statistics

Is this your site? Certify your site's metrics.


Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.
For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired
Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.
Not all websites implement our on-site analytics and publish the results. For these sites, we show estimated metrics based on traffic patterns across the web as a whole. We identify these patterns by looking at the activity of millions of web users throughout the world, and using data normalization to correct for any biases.
The more traffic a site gets, the more data we have to calculate estimated metrics. Estimates are more reliable the closer a site is to being ranked #1. Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ are subject to large fluctuations and should be considered rough estimates.
If a site has Certified Metrics instead of estimated, that means its owner has installed code allowing us to directly measure their traffic. These metrics have a greater level of accuracy, no matter what the ranking.
Learn more about Alexa's Data

How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of this site's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily

Global rank icon 195,371 452,977
  • -452977%

Rank in Italy Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily

Italy Flag 5,348           Traffic Statistics

Is this your site? Certify your site's metrics.

Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.
For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired
Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.
Not all websites implement our on-site analytics and publish the results. For these sites, we show estimated metrics based on traffic patterns across the web as a whole. We identify these patterns by looking at the activity of millions of web users throughout the world, and using data normalization to correct for any biases.
The more traffic a site gets, the more data we have to calculate estimated metrics. Estimates are more reliable the closer a site is to being ranked #1. Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ are subject to large fluctuations and should be considered rough estimates.
If a site has Certified Metrics instead of estimated, that means its owner has installed code allowing us to directly measure their traffic. These metrics have a greater level of accuracy, no matter what the ranking.
Learn more about Alexa's Data

How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of this site's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily

Global rank icon 631,317 559,625

  • -559625%

Rank in Italy Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily

Italy Flag 16,016  

  • %

Alexa Traffic Ranks
The global and country traffic ranks show how popular a site is relative to other sites.
Unique Visitors and Pageviews
The number of people who visit this site and the number of pages they view. Site owners who install the Alexa Certify Code on their website can choose to display their Certified Metrics, such as Monthly Unique Visitors and Pageviews, if they wish. For other sites, we display the estimated number of unique visitors from up to 6 countries, when sufficient data is available (Advanced plans only).
Audience Geography
The audience geography data describes where visitors to this site over the past month are located, and how the site is ranked in popular countries. If a country is not listed, it is because Alexa does not have enough data for this site to rank/measure the site's popularity among that country's online population. These metrics are updated monthly.

Audience Geography Traffic Statistics

Is this your site? Certify your site's metrics.

Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.
For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired
Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.
Not all websites implement our on-site analytics and publish the results. For these sites, we show estimated metrics based on traffic patterns across the web as a whole. We identify these patterns by looking at the activity of millions of web users throughout the world, and using data normalization to correct for any biases.
The more traffic a site gets, the more data we have to calculate estimated metrics. Estimates are more reliable the closer a site is to being ranked #1. Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ are subject to large fluctuations and should be considered rough estimates.
If a site has Certified Metrics instead of estimated, that means its owner has installed code allowing us to directly measure their traffic. These metrics have a greater level of accuracy, no matter what the ranking.
Learn more about Alexa's Data

How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of this site's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily

Global rank icon 253,219 323,602
  • -323602%

Rank in Italy Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily

Italy Flag 6,879 Traffic Statistics

Is this your site? Certify your site's metrics.

Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.
For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired
Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.
Not all websites implement our on-site analytics and publish the results. For these sites, we show estimated metrics based on traffic patterns across the web as a whole. We identify these patterns by looking at the activity of millions of web users throughout the world, and using data normalization to correct for any biases.
The more traffic a site gets, the more data we have to calculate estimated metrics. Estimates are more reliable the closer a site is to being ranked #1. Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ are subject to large fluctuations and should be considered rough estimates.
If a site has Certified Metrics instead of estimated, that means its owner has installed code allowing us to directly measure their traffic. These metrics have a greater level of accuracy, no matter what the ranking.
Learn more about Alexa's Data

How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of this site's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily

Global rank icon 257,044 518,670
  • -518670%

Rank in Italy Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily

Italy Flag 8,740